Sunday, 2 November 2008


I am not an expert for brand building, certainly not one of this fine publication's readers, perhaps not even part of its target group. Nevertheless,  I could not help the feeling that there may be some kind of discrepancy between the desired brand image and the reality of promoting it on the ground when I saw this a few weeks ago in South Bombay. Anyway, Gentlemen's Quarterly is here. 

There is an India outside Bombay...

and it is nicer, more quiet, less polluted and, all in all, less insane.

This blog has not died a silent death, I am just reluctant to go on photo safaris in the intense heat of the last weeks. Last weekend, however, we left Bombay by car, had a look at Ajanta & Ellora Caves, and popped into Nasik on our way back. 

Dr. Ambedkar in a small town in Maharashtra: